20. Hydromechanical modulation of enzymatic kinetics using microfluidically configurable nanoconfinement arrays
Y. Wen, Y. Li, H. C. W. Chu, S. Cheng and Y. Zeng (2024) ACS Central Science, 10, 2059-2071
19. Competition between ion-ion electrostatic correlations and hydrodynamic slip radically changes diffusioosmosis
S. Zhang and H. C. W. Chu (2024) Chemical Science, 15, 18476-18489
18. Diffusioosmotic flow reversals due to ion–ion electrostatic correlations
S. Zhang and H. C. W. Chu (2024) Nanoscale, 16, 9367-9381
Invited article in Nanoscale Emerging Investigators Series
17. Unidirectional drying of a suspension of diffusiophoretic colloids under gravity
J. Xu, Z. Wang and H. C. W. Chu (2023) RSC Advances, 13, 9247-9259
Invited article in RSC Advances Emerging Investigators Series
16. Diffusiophoresis of a spherical particle in porous media
S. Sambamoorthy and H. C. W. Chu (2023) Soft Matter, 19, 1131-1143
Invited article in Soft Matter Emerging Investigators Series
15. Drop deformation during diffusiophoresis
B. E. McKenzie, H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2022) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 949, A17
14. Tuning chemotactic and diffusiophoretic spreading via hydrodynamic flows
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2022) Soft Matter, 18, 1896-1910
13. Macrotransport theory for diffusiophoretic colloids and chemotactic microorganisms
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2021) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, A52
12. Surfactant driven Marangoni spreading in the presence of pre-deposited insoluble surfactant monolayers
M. Sauleda, H. C. W. Chu, R. D. Tilton and S. Garoff (2021) Langmuir, 37, 3309-3320
11. Advective-diffusive spreading of diffusiophoretic colloids under transient solute gradients
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2020) Soft Matter, 16, 238-246
10. Dispersion in steady and time-oscillatory flows through an eccentric annulus
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2020) AIChE Journal, 66, e16831
9. Dispersion in steady and time-oscillatory two-dimensional flows between parallel-plate channels
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, T. M. Przybycien, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2019) Physics of Fluids, 31, 022007
8. Toward a nonequilibrium Stokes-Einstein relation via active microrheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloidal dispersions
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2019) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 539, 388-399
7. The non-Newtonian rheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloids via active, nonlinear microrheology
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2017) Journal of Rheology, 61, 551-574
6. Active microrheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloids: Normal stresses and entropic energy density
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2016) Journal of Rheology, 60, 755-781
5. An exact, fully nonlinear solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with anti-symmetric potential profiles
K. W. Chow, H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2013) International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 14, 423-428
4. Oscillatory electro-osmotic flow through a slit channel with slipping stripes on walls
H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2013) Fluid Dynamics Research, 45, 025507
3. Electroosmotic flow through a circular tube with slip-stick striped wall
H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2012) ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 134, 111201
2. Electrokinetic flows through a parallel-plate channel with slipping stripes on walls
C. O. Ng and H. C. W. Chu (2011) Physics of Fluids, 23, 102002
1. On the effects of liquid-gas interfacial shear on slip flow through a parallel-plate channel with superhydrophobic grooved walls
C. O. Ng, H. C. W. Chu and C. Y. Wang (2010) Physics of Fluids, 22, 102002
20. Hydromechanical modulation of enzymatic kinetics using microfluidically configurable nanoconfinement arrays
Y. Wen, Y. Li, H. C. W. Chu, S. Cheng and Y. Zeng (2024) ACS Central Science, 10, 2059-2071
19. Competition between ion-ion electrostatic correlations and hydrodynamic slip radically changes diffusioosmosis
S. Zhang and H. C. W. Chu (2024) Chemical Science, 15, 18476-18489
18. Diffusioosmotic flow reversals due to ion–ion electrostatic correlations
S. Zhang and H. C. W. Chu (2024) Nanoscale, 16, 9367-9381
Invited article in Nanoscale Emerging Investigators Series
17. Unidirectional drying of a suspension of diffusiophoretic colloids under gravity
J. Xu, Z. Wang and H. C. W. Chu (2023) RSC Advances, 13, 9247-9259
Invited article in RSC Advances Emerging Investigators Series
16. Diffusiophoresis of a spherical particle in porous media
S. Sambamoorthy and H. C. W. Chu (2023) Soft Matter, 19, 1131-1143
Invited article in Soft Matter Emerging Investigators Series
15. Drop deformation during diffusiophoresis
B. E. McKenzie, H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2022) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 949, A17
14. Tuning chemotactic and diffusiophoretic spreading via hydrodynamic flows
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2022) Soft Matter, 18, 1896-1910
13. Macrotransport theory for diffusiophoretic colloids and chemotactic microorganisms
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2021) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, A52
12. Surfactant driven Marangoni spreading in the presence of pre-deposited insoluble surfactant monolayers
M. Sauleda, H. C. W. Chu, R. D. Tilton and S. Garoff (2021) Langmuir, 37, 3309-3320
11. Advective-diffusive spreading of diffusiophoretic colloids under transient solute gradients
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2020) Soft Matter, 16, 238-246
10. Dispersion in steady and time-oscillatory flows through an eccentric annulus
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2020) AIChE Journal, 66, e16831
9. Dispersion in steady and time-oscillatory two-dimensional flows between parallel-plate channels
H. C. W. Chu, S. Garoff, T. M. Przybycien, R. D. Tilton and A. S. Khair (2019) Physics of Fluids, 31, 022007
8. Toward a nonequilibrium Stokes-Einstein relation via active microrheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloidal dispersions
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2019) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 539, 388-399
7. The non-Newtonian rheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloids via active, nonlinear microrheology
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2017) Journal of Rheology, 61, 551-574
6. Active microrheology of hydrodynamically interacting colloids: Normal stresses and entropic energy density
H. C. W. Chu and R. N. Zia (2016) Journal of Rheology, 60, 755-781
5. An exact, fully nonlinear solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with anti-symmetric potential profiles
K. W. Chow, H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2013) International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 14, 423-428
4. Oscillatory electro-osmotic flow through a slit channel with slipping stripes on walls
H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2013) Fluid Dynamics Research, 45, 025507
3. Electroosmotic flow through a circular tube with slip-stick striped wall
H. C. W. Chu and C. O. Ng (2012) ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 134, 111201
2. Electrokinetic flows through a parallel-plate channel with slipping stripes on walls
C. O. Ng and H. C. W. Chu (2011) Physics of Fluids, 23, 102002
1. On the effects of liquid-gas interfacial shear on slip flow through a parallel-plate channel with superhydrophobic grooved walls
C. O. Ng, H. C. W. Chu and C. Y. Wang (2010) Physics of Fluids, 22, 102002